Thursday, August 29, 2013

Me, Meemer, and 5 AM....Keeping the Momentum

This Saturday....August 31....will mark my 100th day of straight days off.  I was in a wedding one weekend but I hardly consider that a break....I much rather be doing field work.  Weddings are exhausting! There have been many days which I thought....Ok...I've hit the wall.  Then I get through it and move on to the next day. 

As you can imagine it's hard to get out of bed some mornings.  However being the lucky girl that I am - I happen to be the proud owner of a....any guesses? It's not an alarm clock (even though I do have one of those) and it's not a rooster.  She is a portly, yet spry cat named Ellie Mae - a.k.a Meemer.

Meemer...getting in her full 20 hours of sleep a day...ohhh to be a cat. 

I had a little habbit of bringing home living creatures when I was younger.  To the point when I would come home and say, "Mom, look what I got."  She would say, "It better not be alive!"  Meemer was one of those cases...however knowing my Mom was a pushover for cats I felt confident.  The ducks I brought home one time were not as appreciated. 

I actually found Meemer at the barn that I horseback rode at.  The owner of the barn said...(I'm not making this up) she didn't want her barn to smell like cat food so I needed to take the cat home or she'd get rid of it somehow.  My thought was....if the barn already smells like horse poo...why not add cat food to the mix.  But I digress.  So I wrapped baby Ellie in a towel, tucked her under my arm and biked across the alfalfa field...past the greenhouses and down a hill to the house.

Needless to say dear Meemer has been a part of our family ever since.  And man is she a character....even though I cringe when she starts Meow-ing between the hours of 4 and 5:30 a.m. it's effective in forcing me to start my day...but only after yelling, "No Meemer!" four or five times and hoping for silence. 

The truth is at the peak of the farming season (where we are now) there is no time to take a break.  There is a small window (very small) to make that money and you have to go for it.  As my mom says, "Turn it into cash."  When one day could mean the difference between a paycheck and nothing - you move it!  Meemer helps get me to roll out of bed but the interactions with customers keep me going.  You guys are amazing!'s a big thank you! Let's keep it fun, fresh, and full steam ahead!   

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