Sunday, March 23, 2014

Red Wine Jelly

Did you know that New Jersey is ranked 7th in the nation for wine production? 

I find that terribly exciting!

Our farm is actually located very close to several of these wineries - nothing makes a better a hostess gift than a bottle of locally grown and produced wine....

Except maybe Wine Jelly!

I'm fond of wine jelly for a few reasons:
1. It lends itself well to low sugar canning (Hooray!)
2. It's an out of the box take on a favorite...I mean, most people I know enjoy wine
3. and there's NO CHOPPING involved

Sometimes it's just nice not to have to peel, chop, chop some more, and mash.

For drinking I prefer white wine but for jelly making I reach for red.  I just feel like it's richer and more satisfying.     

Red Wine Jelly
1 bottle Red Wine
1/8 - 1/2 tsp ground Sage (to taste)
A sprinkle of Cinnamon (optional)
2 tsp Calcium Water
2 tsp Pamona's Pectin
2 cups Sugar

Prepare canning pot and jars.

In a large pot bring wine to a boil.  Lower heat and add ground Sage.  Let simmer for a few minutes before stirring in calcium water.
In a separate bowl mix sugar with pectin powder until combined.
Add pectin/sugar mixture to wine and stir continuously.  Bring mixture back up to a boil then lower heat and simmer for several minutes.  Remove from heat and grab your jars.

Fill jars, leaving 1/4 headspace.  Remove air bubbles, wipe jar rims and apply lids.  Process in boiling water bath for 10 minutes.  Remove from pot and allow to sit for 24 hours.  Check seals and enjoy (or gift) with in 1 year.  If any jars don't seal place them in the refrigerator and use ASAP.

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