Tuesday, July 29, 2014

90 Something Ice Box Pickles

At 90 something years old, you can still find our neighbor crawling along rows of shelling peas harvesting the little green gems bound for her freezer. The woman still does it all....she still pickles and jams too. 

The Ice Box Pickle recipe I got from her is awesome.  Tried and true for almost 90 years...it better be good...right?!

90 Something Ice Box Pickles 

7 cups pickling cucumbers, sliced thinly...preferably with a mandolin  
1 onion
1 pepper (any color will do) 
2 tbsp salt

Combine the above and let it sit for 1 hour. 

2 cups sugar
1 cup vinegar
2 tbsp. mustard seed
2 tbsp. celery seed 

Combine above ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add salted pickles to jars and pour vinegar mixture over. Once cooled place in the fridge. 

Then grab a fork and dig in! 


  1. Doing all that at 90 years old?! That's downright amazing!

  2. Speaking of neighbors this reminds me of Ginny Parker -- She used to bring us veggies she put up in exchange for eggs. Some of the best veggies I ever had. She tried to teach me how she did it (there were several steps) but I could never duplicate it. She was 92 at the time I think.

    1. I remember her well! It's funny about the not being able to duplicate thing. My grandma used to make sandwiches for lunch, just basic sandwiches but I could never make them the same or as delicous.


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