Monday, July 31, 2017

July 2017 Vegetable + Fruit + a Cactus Photos

One of my very sweet customers brought up that I hadn't been taking picture lately.

And she is so right. Haven't taken any pictures. None.

A quick instagram shot does not count!  

So on the way home from the farmers market on Sunday I daydreamed two photo shoots and when I got home gathered left over items from the day + a ladder + my camera and began crafting my first
"photo shoot" of the 2017 season (it's only almost august).

My neighbors, I believe have always thought I'm a little crazy but I feel like they were confirmed in their assumption as I was hanging from a ladder in the last shreds of daylight taking pictures of produce.

In the "green" photo you'll notice a very regal looking barrel cactus in the top right corner. Firstly who doesn't love cactus? I don't know of anyone. And I am still very much riding high on the inspiration from my southwestern trip. The cacti we now sell at the farm stand and we are also growing chile peppers this year (bottom left). So the cacti inspiration was mostly from Arizona while the chile inspiration comes 100% from the glorious state of New Mexico. The hatch chili is the pride of the state and truely everything from eggs to a margarita are accompanied with chile.  As a completely inspiring soul said to me a few weeks before she headed off to Italy, "travel is part of wellness." How right she is. Stay tuned for more things I discovered while traveling this past winter.  Some are still growing and some have yet to be made.

yellow peaches, little tomatoes, cantaloupe, garlic, onion, celosia, coral fountain amaranthus, white nectarines 

chile peppers, cabbage, shishito peppers, pickling cucumbers, green little tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, succulent in gold pot and barrel cactus

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