Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Fruit and Flowers in One Box

fruit and flower box

In an effort to keep things fresh (pun intended) and fun...and a bit fancy if I do say so I'm starting to offer Fruit & Flower boxes.

When I think about what makes me most happy and what seems to make you guys most's fruit and flowers.

I mean no offense fennel but no one smiles from ear to ear and holds you high when you arrive in a buying club box (unless you're my friend Sara who orders 7 fennel at a time).

But fruit and flowers are just fun. And sometimes you need a little "just fun."

Self gift or gift to someone else.

Here's a photo shoot with two different bouquets of flowers:

peaches + blueberries + flowers

zinnais, amaranthus, globe, and strawflower

celosia, black sunflowers, purple basil, snapdragons, and zinnias


  1. nice idea putting the purple basil in the there Rose, I love herbs in small arrangements on my desk. If u get bored brush them and take a whiff, if ur lucky, u get a bug on them when u pick them and u can watch the bug crawl around and get no work done all morning sitting at ur desk!

    1. Yes, the basil is such a nice treat in an arrangement! I'm also playing with the ideas of growing with certain types of mint for bouquets. So much fun stuff to grow! :)

  2. Good idea with the mints, they would prob have some lasting power when cut. I planned on growing some bouquet dill this year with the large flowerheads on them, but I dropped the ball when things started growing and weed pressure went up. Always next year.


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